Comóradh Chormaic – Ten Year Celebration
(click on above image to see full size) Showing their support for the ‘Comóradh Chormaic’ event on 21 March are Mickey Harte, Tyrone football manager, 2003-today; Ryan McKenna, Eglish and Tyrone player; Dónal McAnallen, brother of the late Cormac; and Armagh’s Ciaran McKeever (captain) and Paul Grimley (manager), who were both involved in the 2003 All-Ireland final.
The Cormac Trust has announced details of a gala celebration banquet to celebrate the legacy of former Tyrone player Cormac McAnallen ten years on from his sudden passing.
The event, entitled ‘Comóradh Chormaic’, will take place at the Armagh City Hotel on 21 March, shortly after Cormac’s tenth anniversary. As well as remembering the man himself and others who died suddenly, the event will reflect on a decade of progress for various commemorative projects.
Legendary broadcaster Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, a Patron of the Cormac Trust, will be a guest speaker. Several more guests whose lives have been saved or changed by the provision of defibrillators and cardiac screening over the last ten years will also share their inspirational stories.
People who have made extraordinary contributions to the charity work and fundraising, as well as projects such as Campa Chormaic summer schemes and Páirc Chormaic at Eglish, will be honoured on the night.
The occasion will further serve to profile the new Cormac Trust Fellowship for postgraduate research into causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young.
“This event is our way of looking back on all that has been achieved over the last ten years and thanking some of the many people who have done great things to honour Cormac’s memory,” said Cormac’s father and Trust chairman Brendan McAnallen. “But the focus is also on the future and the purpose of continuing this legacy to the benefit of the community.”
Tickets for this black-tie banquet, priced at £500 per table of ten or £50 per individual ticket, can be obtained from the Cormac Trust office at 028 3754 7721 (or from ROI, 048 3754 7721) or
Further information as it appears will be found on our website and the Trust Facebook page .